Half-half Blue shark by Ricardo Ventura
Another big day in the 'Big Blue' office for divemasters Mona Schouten, Martijn Schouten and skipper Ricardo Ventura.
While we do start to sell our now world-famous Adventure Package for Divers in July, we are always ready to go for sharks a bit earlier for those guests who are brave enough to give it a more risky try in terms of success rate.

Blue shark dorsal fin (photo by Ricardo Ventura)
You know the old adage fortune favours the brave? Well, it applies just perfectly to three lovely ladies who joined us in our first shark dive of the season.
They were just as perfectly matched by... three beautiful Blue sharks!
The dive took place in the best conditions you could possibly ask for, with flat seas, blue skies and the usual stunning visibility you enjoy in Pico while shark diving! 😃

Blue shark and divemaster Mona Schouten (photo by Martijn Schouten)
While availability of spots on our boats is getting patchy for August and September (finally, after a year and a half of struggle!), we still have ample space for July.
Just so you know 😉
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