Whale Watching Statistics and Charts

Based on our Whale Watching sightings, by whale or dolphin species.

Pick the species you are interested in, then choose between two available views:

  1. Sighting frequency (default option)

    For each month, it is the proportion between the number of trips in which the species was sighted and the total number of trips that were run.

  2. Absolute number of sightings

    For each month, it is the absolute number of trips in which the species was sighted.
    In months where we run more trips (e.g. in the summer), this option may give you the illusion that a species is sighted more frequently than it is in reality.

Scientific name

Balaenoptera borealis

  • Common Name: Sei whale
  • Suborder: Mysticeti
  • Family: Balaenopteridae
  • Has Dorsal Fin? Yes
  • Minimum Adult Length: 12.00 m
  • Maximum Adult Length: 16.00 m
  • Minimum Adult Weight: 20.00 t
  • Maximum Adult Weight: 30.00 t
  • Which Hemisphere? Both

Related resources

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2022: The year of the Sei whale

For the joy of our passengers and crew, summer 2022 in Pico was characterised by an unprecedented high number of Sei whale sightings.
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Baleen whale migration 2023: fun and science

Late March will see the official start of our baleen whale season 2023. Join us and enjoy close encounters with the biggest animals of all, while helping our scientific research activities!
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The spring migration of baleen whales (part 1)

Why baleen whales migrate and analysis of the data collected by CW Azores during their spring migration off Pico Island.
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Sifting through the baleen

Telling Fin whales from Sei whales is not always easy. However, there are a few tips and tricks that can greatly help species identification.
Live Updates

by CW Azores

  • Welcome to the CW Azores Live dashboard!
  • Here you will see real-time whale and dolphin 🐳🐬 sighting updates from our boats, along with other interesting insights 😉
  • Using environmental DNA (eDNA) to monitor biodiversity in the North-East Atlantic and Mediterranean. CW Azores is an official partner of the project. Learn more...
    Our boat BWA left port at 2025-3-9 12:08 PM (UTC Time) for a Whale Watching tour.
    Species seen so far:
    Blue whale
    Short-beaked common dolphin
    The Live button will pulse each time a new sighting is recorded by our crew.